Open Banking, Open Finance, and Smart Data: UK’s Roadmap to Digital Innovation

Date: Friday, June 28, 2024

Time: 12pm BST

In the last few years, the UK has seen a lot of change in the Open Banking space. In 2024 alone, they saw the publication of the Smart Data Roadmap, Joint Regulatory Oversight Committee (JROC) proposals, and the continued progress of the Data Protection and Digital Innovation Bill. But the question remains: What does the future of Open Banking actually look like?

Join our webinar to discuss the next phase of Open Banking in the UK, how Open Banking will extend to other sectors, the creation of a digital economy based on portable data, and the impact of open finance on consumers' everyday lives.

Sign up for the webinar to explore:

  • The next phase of Open Banking in the UK
  • The next sector to be opened on the open finance roadmap
  • How smart data will drive the next generation of innovation
  • The impact of open finance on consumers’ everyday lives
  • How APIs and data portability optimize the user experience

Featured Speakers:


Dawn McBratney

Head of International Business, Envestnet® | Yodlee® 


Kevin Sefton

Co-Founder, untied


Samantha Seaton

CEO, Moneyhub

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